Schools & Colleges
Modern education produces capable, intelligent, smart and efficient individuals, whereas the ancient Indian education system nurtured a holistic vision and created an ennobling attitude, which made a discernible difference in society. In ancient India, the students studied both secular and spiritual knowledge which were never divided into watertight compartments, as we see today. The spiritual scriptures of India covered an array of subjects like geography, history, sociology, geology, astronomy, geometry, astrology and so on. Scriptures on non-spiritual subjects like medicine, the art of warfare, economics, politics, architecture, and performing arts, elaborated upon ethical values. Women were given equal rights in education and teaching. Students would reside together as equals, irrespective of their economic or social standing. This paved the way for mutual camaraderie and respect.
Swami Chinmayananda sought to complement the positive aspects of modern education with ancient wisdom. He made a bold attempt to create a system of education that integrates the best of both. He knew that children were ‘the very cream of our generation and they are the rulers and makers of tomorrow.’ Since the future of the nation and the protection of its culture and tradition depended on the younger generation, it was imperative to give them a healthy physical and mental atmosphere for growth and ingrain in them love for all living beings, patriotism and pride in one’s heritage.
The ‘Chinmaya’ experience of education started off as an ‘experiment in education,’ matured into the ‘Chinmaya Vision of Education’ and concretised as the ‘Chinmaya Education Movement.’ The Movement is one of Chinmaya Mission’s most valuable contributions to society. From its humble beginnings on May 20, 1965, in Kollengode, Kerala (India), it now encompasses over 88 Chinmaya Schools and Colleges, the Chinmaya International Residential School (CIRS) in India, and the first Chinmaya Vidyalaya outside India’s borders, in Trinidad (West Indies).
Nearing 50 years of establishment, growth, and expansion, the Chinmaya Mission’s academic institutions in India, administered by the CCMT (Central Chinmaya Mission Trust) Education Cell have seen over one million students walk through their halls and graduate through their doors. In the year 2012, there were over 85,000 students enrolled, over 5,000 dedicated faculty members, and over 1,000 administrative staff members.
The resounding success of the Chinmaya Education Movement has been primarily due to its unique vision of offering academic education complemented with spiritual knowledge. This has been made possible through the distinctive foundation programme of learning – the Chinmaya Vision Programme (CVP) -which was formulated, developed, and implemented by the CCMT Education Cell.
The CCMT Education Cell (CCMTEC) is the governing body of the Chinmaya Education Movement, and is headquartered at Chinmaya Gardens in Coimbatore, India.
“True knowledge removes all that is false in our lives.“
Goals and Activities of CCMTEC Swami Tejomayananda, as the Head of Chinmaya Mission, is Chairman of the Education Cell. The overall management is handled by the Administrator-Education, guided by Swamini Vimalananda. The other members are a competent, committed group from across the country, including Acharyas and Mission members, from the academic and corporate world.
CCMTEC’s Role:
• Common Policy: Formulates policies on common concerns, and for specific cases, gives instructions and guidance to all the institutions. It collates information and dispenses it to concerned parties, grants permission for starting new schools, and makes decisions on management issues.
• Resource Material on CVP: Produces manuals and newsletters sharing the best practices. Noteworthy among them are: the CVP Manual, SWAD (School With A Difference), Chinmaya Drishti – a biannual newsletter which shares the best practices of the Chinmaya Educational Institutions (CEIs), Garden of Life and In Indian Culture — Why do we…
• Assessment and Guidance: The Cell conducts academic, vision, and administration aspects for all Chinmaya Education Institutions on a regular basis. The purpose is to:
Provide critical assessment and guidance.
Evaluate the standards, progress and potential.
Identify the weakest link and suggest ways of strengthening it.
Evaluate the position of the institution with respect to others.
• Training: Provides timely and regular training on all aspects of holistic education for the efficient running of Vidyalayas and Colleges, to the top management, principals, teachers, and the administrative staff. The CCMT Education Cell conducts various workshops and seminars to:
Communicate the Chinmaya Vision Programme to all.
Inspire all, so that they work with dedication and enthusiasm.
Train all, so that they are knowledgeable and efficient in what they do.
• Scholarships: Offers scholarships and education materials to needy students and schools. The CCMT Education Cell Scholarships (CECS) are awarded to students who are academically brilliant, strong in values, and gifted in various fields, but have financial constraints. Scholarships cover school fees, uniforms, books, stationery, and transport expenses. Their renewal is based on an annual review of student records. The scholarships are sponsored by generous donors and well-wishers of the cause of ‘education for all.’
“Were it not for the scholarship which I’ve been receiving for the past four years, I and my two younger sisters would have had to study in a Government School.” – Divyalakshmi, 2012 Grade X topper, CV Kunnupuram, Kerala
• Awards: Recognises and encourages excellence in management, principals, staff, and students through awards. The awards encourage them to maintain and further their good work and inspire them to become role models. The Chinmaya Vision Award is for the Vidyalayas that best implement CVP; The Chinmaya Gaurav Award, – meaning the pride of Chinmaya Institutions – is to recognise and honour students, teachers, and principals for successfully representing the school in academic, sports and cultural activities. This award is given to state-level, national and international achievers. Started in 2001 and presented by Swami Tejomayananda, the awards are a means to recognize schools, individuals, and their families, and encourage more stars to shine in the national and international space.
Eligibility criteria for Chinmaya Gaurav Award:
• Academics: State and National ranks 1st to 10th. • Sports: National 1st, 2nd or 3rd in competitions of CBSE or Government, or have represented the country internationally in a prestigious competition. • Cultural: 1st or 2nd in any prestigious National or International competition in the fields of art, performing arts, literature and the like. • Teachers/Principals: on having received an award from CBSE/HRD Ministry, Government of India.
A model student, Parvathy S., Chinmaya Gaurav Awardee in 2011, CV Thrissur, received the ‘Gems of Seed Award’ for her tireless enthusiasm, dedication, and hard work in planting hundreds of saplings on the grounds of an engineering college close to her Vidyalaya in Thrissur. She also made and distributed hundreds of paper bags made from waste paper. She won the National Talent Search Examination Scholarship in 2010 and has won the Balashree Award for her creative scientific innovation.
• Student Meets/Camps: Forges a close Chinmaya family bond through organising camps and All Chinmaya Vidyalaya events. The Education Cell creates opportunities for at least some of the 80,000 students studying in the Vidyalayas to come together, not just virtually (on Social Media), but actually in camps. Such camps provide learning with fun and fun with learning. Since 2005, the Education Cell organises annual summer adventure camps at Chinmaya Gardens, or in the Himalayas to foster integrated development of body, mind and spirit, equipping children to face challenges in life. Professionals (ex-army officers and mountaineers) guide students in air, water, and ground sports, and in team games and adventure courses.
• Unifying Link: Unites all as one whole, and integrates all the institutions with the Chinmaya Mission. It forges effective communication, interaction, and resource sharing among all the institutions under its umbrella, thereby fostering a stronger, cohesive Chinmaya Family spirit.
CCMT Education Cell
Chinmaya Gardens
Nallur Vayal PO, Siruvani Rd
Coimbatore 641 114
Tamil Nadu, India.
Ph: +91-422-261-5663; Fax: +91-422-261-5725
Food given in charity (anna-daanam) satisfies one man’s hunger for a day, but education given in charity (vidyaa-daanam) empowers a man to make his life and livelihood, and support himself and his dependents. This service of humanity (maanava-sevaa) is the service of the Lord (maadhava-sevaa). To help the needy is our duty and privilege.
Please offer your maanava-sevaa in the form of vidyaa-daanam, and sponsor a child’s education so that he can make his own life and livelihood.
Support Chinmaya Vidya Nidhi To offer monetary or in-kind (computers, lab equipment, stationery, etc.) donations for necessary school supplies and learning aids at Chinmaya schools and colleges.
Please download the Vidya Nidhi Brochure
“A narrow vision is divisive, a broad vision is expansive, and a holistic vision is all-inclusive.” – Swami Tejomayananda
As the vision, so the world appears to us (yatha drishti tatha srishti). If one’s vision is narrow and disturbed, the world seems filled with strife. But, if it is broad and love-filled, then the world seems expansive and joy-filled.
The Chinmaya Vision Programme (CVP), formally developed in 1996, is based entirely on Swami Chinmayananda’s thoughts and advice. It is a holistic vision to see life and the world as a whole. It is a comprehensive education programme that integrates the best of Indian culture and Vedantic philosophy with academic learning. CVP aims to nurture all Chinmaya students to be successful and humanitarian world citizens, to adopt a holistic vision that allows them to face life and its challenges positively and dynamically, and generously give back to society in myriad ways.
Since its inception, CVP has raised the professional calibre and personal value of the Chinmaya institutions, making them noteworthy academic and spiritual forums of the modern day. While the child is the focal point, CVP also takes into account and methodically addresses the vital roles of school management, teachers and parents.
CVP focuses on four main topics for child development: Integrated Development, Indian Culture, Patriotism and Universal Outlook.
Integrated Development
Integrated development aims at the overall unfoldment and gentle blossoming of the student at all levels of the personality, so that he or she becomes physically fit and well-groomed, emotionally balanced, intellectually alert and creative and spiritually awakened. It comprises:
Physical Development: The goal of physical development is good health and proper growth of children. It involves physical fitness, nutrition, hygiene, personal grooming, health education, health assessment, and prevention and treatment of diseases.
CVP in Action — A student of Chinmaya Vidyalaya Tarapur went around his housing colony as part of his hygiene project, politely returning to the owner all the litter he found outside each home. The Secretary of the housing colony in a letter of appreciation wrote to the Principal, “Your student achieved what several notices could not.”
Mental Development: This aims at making the student emotionally balanced. It includes emotional expansion, handling emotions, handling relationships, gender-specific education, mental health assessment and counselling. Children are taught to experience the joy of selfless actions, sharing and caring. This makes them trusting, sensitive, accommodative and kind.
CVP in Action – Students of Chinmaya Vidyalaya Kannamally abstained from buying firecrackers for Diwali and donated the amount saved to purchase medicines for the people of an Adivasi (indigenous people) village near Vyanad.
Intellectual Development: The purpose of intellectual development is to kindle its infinite potential, explore its reach and depth and guide its direction. It includes intellectual kindling, independent and scientific thinking, management skills, aesthetics, intellectual assessment and guidance.
CVP in Action – Student council members of CVs in Coimbatore were trained by professionals in leadership qualities, understanding roles and responsibilities, and problem-solving techniques. This gave them greater confidence in performing their duties as school leaders.
Spiritual Development: Spiritual development aims at enabling students to evolve in a wholesome and holistic way, manifesting their nobility and divinity. It includes value education, spiritual assessment and guidance, philosophy, spiritual techniques such as prayer, meditation, chanting and yoga.
CVP in Action – Grade VII students of Chinmaya Vidyalaya Bengaluru were asked to keep a record of their own good and wrong deeds. The teachers were pleasantly surprised to find a visible improvement in their behaviour within a month of their daily record-keeping. Maintaining a spiritual diary has helped many Vidyalaya students assess themselves and change over the years. Indian Culture
The student is given wide exposure to various aspects of Indian culture. The teacher creates a cultural awareness and an appreciation of the vast literary, scientific, and artistic heritage of India. Through epics or stories, values such as love and non-violence are embedded in children’s minds and remain with them throughout their lives.
The first step in becoming cultured is to become aware — to get exposed to the richness of one’s culture. In this aspect of CVP, children are exposed to festivals, customs, rituals, chanting and symbolism. Swami Chinmayananda did not miss a single opportunity to make people aware of our culture. He once asked the teachers of Chinmaya Vidyalaya Delhi, whether they knew why they put the red dot on their forehead. “It is the seat of wisdom. If you understand its significance and place it there with the right attitude and intention, your third eye really opens up!” he explained.
“Never can a child’s education be complete unless we impart to them a true appreciation of the eternal values of life and also help them to open up their sense of beauty, rhythm, ethics, and aesthetics. We must give them a chance to discover and develop their talents and express them through music, dance, painting, and so forth.” -Swami Chinmayananda
Patriotism is love for and pride in one’s motherland. It is a deep-seated emotion that enables one to put one’s motherland before oneself and one’s family. This vital area of focus includes education in citizenship, civic consciousness, national and cultural pride and addressing national issues. The goal is to develop dedicated citizens who honour and take pride in serving their motherland.
In this aspect of CVP, students develop a sense of pride in their country and are also made aware of its weaknesses. This inspires the youth to tackle the injustices and evils of society. Each student is rooted in the conviction that he or she is an Indian first and foremost, irrespective of differences of caste, community, religion, state, or race.
Students of Chinmaya Vidyalaya Delhi organized an exhibition on ‘Discover India.’ Weekly and monthly quizzes on ‘Incredible India’ and ‘Vision 2020’ are also conducted by Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Delhi, Chinmaya International Residential School Coimbatore and other schools inculcating patriotism.
Universal Outlook
“This life of harmony with a wider view of the cosmos brings to our heart an inward peace and poise. When this universal vision is maintained within us, problems vanish like mist before the rising sun.” – Swami Chinmayananda
A universal outlook is the appreciation, sensitivity and commitment to universal issues. A universal outlook helps students see themselves as responsible citizens of the world, live in harmony with creation and elevate their relationship with God as a universal force. CVP looks at the universal outlook from an economic, technological, philosophical, and cultural angle. Students discover the unity and relationship between the universe, man and God and begin to wonder at the beauty and vastness of creation.
From its inception in 1996, CVP was rolled out to Chinmaya Education Institutions (CEIs) across India in four phases. First, the principal, the management, and a couple of senior teachers were introduced to the program. It was followed by an orientation session for the entire staff. Later parents were involved and finally students, too, became active participants in the programme. Swamini Vimalananda and Smt. Radhika Krishnakumar travelled and addressed management and teaching staff at hundreds of schools across India to deliver the CVP Seminar, guiding the implementation of Swami Chinmayananda’s vision. Through almost 200 seminars, the programme has spread to 2,000 schools and colleges across fifteen states of India. It has also crossed the shores of India — the Sri Lankan government is supporting the integration of CVP into their system.
Feather in the Cap of CVP – The CBSE, which has the highest number of quality schools across India, has recognized CVP as a worthy educational programme and recommended it in its ‘Value-Education Handbook for Teachers.’
The first school started in 1965 in Kerala, is now a higher secondary school with 555 children and is considered the best in Kollengode. The tiny sapling has now grown into a mighty tree of knowledge, with eighty-one Chinmaya Vidyalayas across India and beyond. They fall into various categories; some are in remote rural places and others in the hub of a metropolis. They have made a name for themselves all over the country – Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh and so on. The first Chinmaya Vidyalaya outside of India was inaugurated in 2003 in Trinidad. Catering to children of different backgrounds – including American and Chinese – its students have won many prestigious awards.The Chinmaya Educational Institutions are affiliated to universities and international (International Baccalaureate – IB), central (CBSE, ICSE) or state Boards of Education, guaranteeing high quality education. They have excellent infrastructure with up-to-date equipment, which enables effective teaching. Schools in the rural areas cater to the needs of the local people. Inspired Principals, dedicated teachers, supportive management and cooperative parents head these institutions. Chinmaya Vidyalayas are ‘schools with a difference’ for they have unique holistic vision programmes that create students with a difference.
Its key features include the following:
• Visionary Management: To provide a clear vision, firm foundation of learning, strategic planning for growth and efficient management of resources
• Inspiring Principals: To develop principle-centred principals who are inspired by the overall vision of Chinmaya Vidyalayas, and who step up as movers and shakers to lead their institution to nobler heights
• Dedicated Teachers: To recognize and develop the crux of the institution by continuously motivating their love for knowledge, teaching, and children, so that they may effectively and lovingly, inculcate academics, skills, values and philosophy to the next generation
• Cooperative Parents: To help parents be an ideal, hands-on, integral support base for their children, offering them extensive love, care, and joy, resulting in their healthy and integrated personality development
• Students with a Difference: Students who learn, imbibe, and live the Chinmaya Vidyalaya vision of Knowledge, Spirit of Service, and Efficiency.
“Here our children with a Western education but steeped in Indian culture can grow as ideal men and women — materially successful outside and spiritually peaceful within.” – Swami Chinmayananda
Swami Chinmayananda was concerned for the spiritual loss that would naturally occur as ties with the Motherland were severed over the generations. For these and many more Indians settled all around the world, he envisioned an International Residential School, which would ‘integrate the best of the East and West, a cultural home away from home to unearth the beauty and hidden potential of tomorrow’s leaders.’
Thirty-five kilometres from Coimbatore (India), five kilometres from the Siruvani Falls and within sight of the famous Vellangiri hills is nestled Chinmaya International Residential School (CIRS), among forest-laden foothills, in one of the seven largest biospheres in the world. CIRS replicates the ancient gurukula experience in a contemporary context. The earth, mountains, and sky elevate creative thinking to greater heights, and all who visit CIRS speak of the beauty and tranquillity that the environment generates. CIRS is a distinctive residential school with Grades V – XII, providing its students with an academic and spiritual education programme par excellence.
Inaugurated on June 6 1996, by Swami Chidananda, President of The Divine Life Society, in the presence of Swami Tejomayananda, CIRS began with one hundred students from Grade V to Grade VIII and with eleven academic staff headed by Swamini Vimalananda. It gained recognition from the CBSE Board in its very first year of existence – 1997. In 1998 CIRS gained IB (International Baccalaureate) affiliation. It has a full capacity of 550 students from twenty-three states of India and nineteen other countries. It is a prestigious and world-renowned educational institution, earning excellent academic results and truly fulfilling Swami Chinmayananda’s vision of education. It boasts state-of-the-art structure and infrastructure facilities. CIRS is currently headed by Swami Swaroopananda (Director-in-Charge).
“Students here handle failure better, and use it as a springboard to success. This comes with a spiritual and cultural upbringing.” – Swami Swaroopananda
Through its challenging and specially designed curriculum that parallels junior and senior high schools in the U.S., combined with vital features of India’s CBSE syllabus, CIRS additionally and exceptionally rears its students with a deep understanding of Indian culture and Vedantic philosophy. Supported by a dynamic and inspiring infrastructure, CIRS students graduate with self-confidence within and reverence without. In 2011, CIRS won the British Council International School Award. It also won the Chinmaya Vision Award for excellent implementation of CVP, and was ranked as one of the top ten boarding schools of India by Education World Magazine in 2012.
“I have lived in CIRS for eight years; it has built a girl with a strong value system, yet with a soft heart, who knows when to use her head and heart. It has made ‘ME.'” – Pragathee V., XII CBSE, CIRS
“Two years of CIRS experience has had a greater impact on my life than the past 12 years in my old school. I have learned much more than what is written in the school textbooks. It has taught me the principles of leading an inspired life and instilled the confidence in me that would never let me compromise on my principles.” – Supriti Gupta, Passed IB diploma, 1st year Electrical Engineering at National University of Singapore
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The Chinmaya Education Movement also encompass seven established and reputed colleges imparting graduate and post graduate courses in Arts, Science, Commerce as well as management and technical degrees. These include:
The Chinmaya Degree College located in the holy town of Haridwar, Uttarakhand, is accredited to H.N.B. Garhwal University, Srinagar. It was constituted in 1989 for the promotion of higher education in the regional area. In the past 21 years, the well-maintained college has earned a name for itself in the field of innovative education. Courses include Bachelor of Science in Maths, Science, Microbiology, Yoga and Naturopathy.
Chinmaya Mission College, Thrissur, was inaugurated in August 1975. It was affiliated with the University of Calicut, and by 1997 it was deemed to be the most reputed college of Thrissur, imparting computer education as a value-added course. Today the college hosts over 2,000 students and conducts courses for B.C.A., M.B.A. and M.C.A. under the School of Distance Education, Bharathiar University; eleventh and twelfth grades under the Kerala State Education Board; and B.Com., B.B.A. and M.Com. under Calicut University.
Chinmaya Mission College for Women, Talap, Kannur in Kerala was established in 1975. Like any other Chinmaya Educational Institution, this college also offers Education with a Difference through the Chinmaya Vision Programme (CVP). Courses offered are B.B.A, B.C.A, B. Sc. Maths, Commerce and English.
Started in 1995, Chinmaya Vidyapeet, Cochin, Kerala has a dual educational scheme, that is, B.Com. cum Chartered Accountancy/ Company Secretary courses which have attracted many gifted students. For the last six years, Vidyapeet students have been winning university ranks in the B.B.M. degree course. Several have done well in extra-curricular activities, sports and cultural festivals. The Vidyapeet aims to impart the finest education in the field of Commerce, Management and Economics.
High on a hillock, commanding a beautiful view of the Arabian Sea, is the 17.5 acre Chala Chinmaya Educational Campus housing Kannur’s (North Kerala) ‘Best of Three’: Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Chinmaya College of Arts and Science, and Chinmaya Institute of Technology (ChinTech).
Chinmaya Institute of Technology opened its doors in 2002 as a high-tech golden memoir for the Golden Jubilee (in 2001) of Chinmaya Mission. The institute offers postgraduate courses in Business Administration (M.B.A.) and Computer Applications (M.C.A.). It is affiliated with Kannur University and approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi. Equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure and well-qualified faculty, the Institute has distinguished itself in the higher education arena of Kerala. ChinTech alumni are employed at globally reputed companies such as IBM, Wipro, Accenture, Infosys, and Citibank. Its vision is to create ‘spiritually elevated techno-managers.’ ChinTech achieves this through skilled faculty and special Student Empowerment Programmes, Leadership Programmes, Seminars, and Conferences.
“The Institute has given a feeling of self-confidence that we women can also achieve great heights in life.” – Sanaya Sasidharam, Chinmaya Institute of Technology
Chinmaya Arts and Science College for Women started functioning in September 2003. It presently offers Degree Courses in B.B.M., B.C.A, B.Sc. Biotechnology, B.Com. with Computer Application, B.Sc. Computer Science & M.Sc. Biotechnology.
“The College has made me bold and confident in my abilities. It was through the persuasive efforts of my teachers and principal that I won the tennis championship, became optimistic and of course, one of the class toppers.” – Shan A. Rahman, B.B.M., Chinmaya Arts and Science College, Kannur
“I recommend this College to others because Chinmaya Mission integrates the best of our culture, philosophy and also academic excellence.” – Beausha K., Parent, Chinmaya Arts and Science College for Women, Kannur